I'm Kanda, and I decided to do a blog to let people know how I do things with my kids, and also let other's give ideas. For the summer I love to do an activity calander so the children will never get bored. I try to make it fun and inexpensive. I think the children do look forward to it. I will try and post two times a week on fun things we are doing or give suggestions on what you can do. Some things will be new to me and some I just repeat, because it works.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Fun

Christmas time is a great time to do traditions, and lots of activities while school is out. A couple of years ago I made a cute advent calender with the help of my moms great artistic skills at computer art. Think of a cheap chocolate candy advent calender that you eat a chocolate a day. Well this is the same concept. Except you use the windows for activities of course. I always start day one with decorating my daughters grave. I want the children to know it's good to remember the deceased, and that family and friends are not ever forgotten. In no particular order I'm naming some I have in the window boxes: make snowflakes, bake cookies, drive around looking at lights in neighborhood, visit library, sing carols,  build a snowman, watch a movie, read a Christmas book, wrap gifts and play a family game. Most of the things I don't duplicate, but you can if you love doing it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Christmas Presents

In my family we've started a tradition of present limits. The limit is 3. It makes it simple and less expensive. I don't go crazy, and the kids are still happy with it. I tell them Jesus got three presents, so do you. The gifts in stockings don't count. I like to get the kids gifts, just within reason, and not so much I go crazy. Last year we did bundle the Paper Jamz things into one present for a child. I highly suggest this, it makes present buying less stressful.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Team Sports / Lessons

Team sports and lessons can be pricey, and especially if you have a lot of kids. I'll be listing some ideas so it isn't so much. My mother and father paid for my nieces dance lessons. I think for 10 years at least. She made a arrangement for a trade. The trade was to make a certain amount of costumes in exchange for the lessons. If you have a skill you can use for trades, this will make it less, or free. Also a relative that has a great love or interest in a sport and your child is growing a interest is a good way for lessons and mentoring. My favorite way is gifts. For a Birthday or Christmas, you can mention a Zoo pass for a year, or some sort of sport or even musical lesson. This to me is great. Kids don't play with toys that much. It's the lessons that they enjoy and learn from.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Free Admission

The Tracy Aviary is doing a Free Admission every Wednesday November-February. Take advantage of this if you can.

Friday, August 19, 2011

School Shopping

School shopping can be expensive. Have a goals in mind when doing this. Budget in other words. First clean kids clothes and sort. Hand me downs are good if in good condition. Some kids like clothes that their sibling never wore. After words find out what clothes the child needs. Take notes, this helps for those of us who forget. Then look at sales, give kids a budget if their teenagers. And if you have wonderful parents like mine, they take your kids shopping for you. Thank you Dad (Von) and Mom (Carolyn).

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


This post is for my sister. We camped a lot while I was younger. There are many memories camping many places. I've been to over 25-30 States by the time I was 18 years old. You don't have to have a lot of money to camp. Make it simple, easy, and do it your way. Roy and I get to stay every year at 5 star hotels. The kids love it, and they love camping as well. We try and make it fun for the kids. It's the things I do with kids is what I want them to remember, not the price of everything. Memories are made by things you do with them. You don't have to have a expensive R.V., Hotel room or go far away from home. Make it your own, and even start traditions. This will utimatly bring you closer to your kids, and have a healthy relationship with them.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Free Parade Float Show

For all those who love to go to parades to see floats, but don't like the heat. This is perfect. Every year the Day's of '47 floats are on display before the actually parade. I've been going for 7 years now. Usually it's held at the South Town Expo Center for two days all day (11:00-9:00 p.m) and there is no admission. There's about 28-35 floats I would say. Free admission all ages, free entertainment, balloon artists (clowns), face painters, both who love tips, but it is free. My kids enjoy this. This was held the 20th and 21st this year of 2011.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Candy Tour

Sweets Candy does a factory tour for free. You just go online to sweetcandy.com and tell them the date and time, and size of party. It's that easy, and they give you samples along the tour. There's also a little store to buy candy if you so chose to after.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Coupons and Discounts

I love to save money. Coupons and discounts are a great way to do it.  There is always new coupons coming out, and there is always more then one way to save. The Entertainment book is a great way to get a lot of things half off. Especially for date night. Before I go grocery shopping I look at this website http://grocerysmarts.com/utah/lists/splashabc4.php and see what the deals are that week. Newspaper coupons from Sundays paper are a great source, and if you don't get the paper and your neighbor does, ask them if you can have their coupons if they don't use them. There's also pinchingyourpennies website. When doing shopping for food and with kids they always want treats. I try to teach them they can have a treat and only one, if they want another one they have to trade it for the one they have. This was they get a treat, and you don't have to buy 5 or 10 while shopping. It all adds up. And if you can teach them to buy things with coupons or if they are on sale, that's even better. They will develop smart shopping before college and learn the easy way verses the hard way.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Netting skirt

This is a easy cheap idea for girls this Fourth. This is netting strips tied around a elastic. My sweet mother cut the elastic to her waist size and cut strips alternating the the colors and tying them to the elastic. Thanks for doing this mom!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Learning sites

As a mom I like to make sure my kids learn year round. And sometimes the kids hate it or it's not fun. Here are some learning sites, that have games to make it fun.


Feel free to mention any others you like yourself.

Monday, June 27, 2011


This is a club for families with discounts. One is Utah Kidsclub it is $12 per family for discounts and free things. You just have to pay for membership. A lot of the things free are things I've already listed though. Another good resource for discounts is the Happenings book. Most of their deals are buy one get one free, and it's for a variety of things. This book was about $20 from a child's friend I bought it from. Well worth it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Treats while shopping

Now that it is summer you may have to take more kids to the store when getting groceries. I'm all for bribery and treats for them. However, there is a limit and it can get expensive. I get a free courtesy cone (up to age 3) for my baby or by a small cone for my child, who only eats half of it. Rule number one, don't let you child get more then one treat that you have to pay for. I let the kids get a box of crackers or cookies if they ask. If the ask for another this like soda, or a candy bar, tell then ok, but you only get one you have to give the other one back. Life is about choices, this will help them later on. You don't order 3 entrees for one person, neither should you get 3-5 treats in one trip. This is why some grocery trips can cost you more. Please learn to say yes, while saying no at the same time.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Growing up my parents had a trampoline. Yes, they can be unsafe and you may sustain injuries. I did even get flipped off it as a tween. But, I never did get hurt enough to go to the Dr.'s. Comforting I know. When I did jump it had no pad on springs and no netting. Just to let you know as well, in my day there was no law about seat belts. My mother used cloth diapers for me and baby car seats were not required. Things have changed. Trampolines can be fun, and safe. The rule at my house is only two kids, preferably the same size, that way they can't take each other out as easily.  There is a pad, and netting to. Each year I've made it a big deal to sleep on the trampoline for one night. I used to do this a lot as a kid during the summer. It's easier then putting up a tent. We also put a sprinkler underneath and jump on it. This however makes it bouncier, so be warned of that. Or my father would turn on the automatic sprinklers and we'd jump over it or get hit. My favorite thing to do with the kids is put balls on it, and tell them to avoid them. My cousin, says "If I had netting as a child, I'd do WWF." Good thing his kids have a tramp to now. My trampoline is also next to my deck. Thank goodness the kids haven't jumped off it to the tramp over the netting then fence and to the neighbors.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sidewalk chalk

Here's a fun recipie  for Sidewalk chalk - by Lennie

1 cup of plaster of paris
½ cup of cool water
3 tablespoon of liquid powder tempura paint

Pour plaster into a clean container (like a coffee tin or ice cream tub).
Using a disposable stir-stick, stir in most, but NOT all, of the water.

Add 2 tbsp of the liquid tempera paint, mixing well, especially at the bottom; add another tbsp of paint if you think it needs it.

Add a little more water as the mixture thickens.

Stir well and pour into small containers, like bathroom cups or plastic popsicle molds.
Peel off paper or squeeze out of molds as it dries, and after it dries let the kids play with it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Free Summer School Lunch

For a few years I've been taking my kids to a Elementry School that serves lunch to kids under 18. They even have baby food. Throughout the valley they have a free summer school lunch program. This is Canyon's website for the locations, times, and price for adults. http://www.canyonsdistrict.org/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=1247:canyons-summer-feed-sites&Itemid=498  I take my kids on average 1-2 times a week. When I go I make sure it is convient for me, if I'm running other errands, and the kids like the food. They only serve one main dish like pizza, or lasagna, or chicken nuggets. At school they have two choices, here for summer only one choice. Breakfast is served for certain hours. Sometimes if I know I won't like it, I bring my own food for me. That is allowed, however taking food out of cafateria is not allowed, neither is eating off your kids plate. You have to pay for your own plate.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Here's a recipie for Glop. Entertainment for adults and kids. Please post a comment if you liked or didn't like this.

Glop (Noise putty) - Squidoo
8 oz bottle of glue
8 oz water
1 cup water
1 1/2 tsp borax powder

Pour 8 oz bottle of glue into bowl. Fill empty bottle with water and add to the glue - stir constantly. If you want to add a color, add a few drops of food coloring to this part of the mixture.

In another bowl, stir together 1 cup of water and 1 1/2 tsp of borax powder until dissolved.

Mix the 2 bowls together - Instantly they will become slime! Working it with your hands to make it a little more stiff.

To make this "noise" putty put in a small container, then stick your fingers through the putty, it makes some "interesting" noises!
Keep in a covered container in the refrigerator.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I'm not a big hiker. But, given the beautiful Wasatch mountains we live by I try and take advantage of the things we are surrounded by. Hiking is free, and so is this very informative hiking site. It will tell you the level of hiking, length, and sometimes people will post comments. I've found several hikes I want to try with my kids. I think it is a great opportunity to bond with them, exercise, and enjoy nature. Here is the site, and I hope you can do the same.  http://www.trails.com/.   You can look up any state you are in, and it also tell you bike trails, fishing spots, and so forth.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Every year the Utah Fish and Game allow anyone to fish for free on one day. This year it is Saturday the 4th. The rules on regularly fishing here in Utah are license are about $40 for one person 12 years and up. Under 12 you can fish for free as long as you are with a licensed person.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Recently my husband has informed me you are allowed to legally download for 3 songs from the library each week. He borrows my card so he can get more songs. He does this from his card directly from the Internet. This is called freegalmusic.com the library uses.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Bubbles can be made at home, and colored as well. This is a recipie by Steffanie Brown
1 cup water
2 tablespoons light karo syrup or 2 tablespoons glycerin
4 tablespoons dishwashing liquid

Colored Bubbles - Steffanie Brown
1 cup granulated soap or soap powder
1 quart warm water
Liquid food coloring
Plastic straws
Small juice cans

Monday, May 23, 2011

Building Activities

Home Depot building activities are done for free. Every first Saturday there is a sign up sheet. My son’s have made small planter pots, in which we painted and put flowers in at home. Each child chose a different color. They’ve also made a picture frame. And I had them look at the pictures on the computer to decide which one they want in it, and hung it in their room. Lowe’s does this twice a month in Sandy on Saturdays, you can sign up online.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Summer Reading

Reading in the summer is important. My kids can keep the reading skills they have, and hopefully improve them. Become better spellers, and I hope learn to love reading. Which I think my 10 year old has learned to love it more now. They don't know that their teachers never assigned homework. I just say do you homework, which can mean reading during the summer. Lucky them I'm adding writing skills this summer. They've never questioned this yet. Last year I had my kids participate in two programs. The Sandy Library and the Governor's summer reading. We start the beginning of summer and usually finish by the first of August as their goal. But, of course I keep them reading the entire summer. The rewards were small prizes every month from the library. Sometimes we get a free kids meal from the Governor's reading, it comes by mail in two months. And last year we also did one called "Read and Win" from the State Fair. We got tickets for the kids, which also can with free drink, and one free ride. They loved this. Just remember the parents pay for themselves. And we did get lots of ride tickets.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Remembering Loved Ones

I lost a daughter to S.I.D.S. almost three years ago. This Sunday will be her birthday. I like to think and be on the positive side and not dwell on her death. So since her Birthday is in the late Spring we take a meal and eat at her grave side as a family and bring a cake and sing Happy Birthday. This is something that doesn’t cost a lot if you don’t want it to and is simple the kids don’t have to agonize or ever complain about. This is just one thing we do. We also send balloons into the sky since she was a baby, the kids each hold one. And we let them go at the same time.

Kids Meals

Kids loves kid meals. I think they are overpriced. They rarely eat all the food, and they of course just want the cheap little toy. So what I’ve done for my kids is not get kids meals. They only time they are allowed to get such a thing is on a trip that is more then 2 hours long. The reason is they get costly with a lot of kids, they don’t need a new toy every time you can’t fix dinner or lunch for them and drop by a fast food. I let them pick a hamburger or chicken nuggets and fries. I get cupped water for them. I figure if they are thirsty they’ll drink it. And they will have fewer cavities, less unneeded calories, and less addiction to soda. I get meal for my kids on average once a month at a fast food, and they know since they were little they never got a kids meal. I save it for special occasions or trips. This makes it more special as well. And I don’t have a clutter of little toys around the house that I’m stepping on.

Community Free Activities

Some of the things my children really enjoy are the community free activities. For example, the library, not only do we get books for school and summer reading, we occasionally participate in the sponsored activities. This month I would love my kids to do their version of "Minute to Win It" and sometimes I do the children’s story time for my younger kids. This summer we will also be going to the local skate park, the community designates a family night, in which about half the time there is a sponsor and they do cute things/games with them. I bring my 4 year old’s trike and my oldest child (10) brings his bike. You can bring scooters, and roller blades as well, besides a skate board. I maybe see one skate board the entire time. This year I’m adding "Free Movie at the Park" I’ve been meaning to do this. There’s just so many activities, and either not enough me, or energy I’m not sure. There are 4 movies this summer, I’m not sure which one we’ll attend, and they are at different places. Movies: Justin Bieber, Shrek Forever After, How to Train Your Dragon, Despicable Me. I make the calender of events and then decide what we are up to and can manage that day.

Jobs for kids

Kids sometimes have a hard time doing jobs, or motivation to do them. In my home I expect it to be done, just because you live here, and you need to help out. I actually start about the age of 3.
I do change tactics occasionally, mostly because they get bored of routine, and so do I sometimes. My recent job list is, is just that a list of the name and job for the week. It changes every week, and I rotate that one job. For example one week dishes only, the next garbage or recycling. My little 4 year loves to do his job. The older kids not so much. Being creative can pay off to. Before this latest system I wrote out 11 different jobs. Each job to a coordinating number. Now the child got to roll two dice and that would be their job. If the job was already rolled for, they rolled again. You can write a list of 6 (one die) or 11 (two dice). And before this I did parent money. This kids loved this as well. I went to a website that offered free print offs of money bills with any picture you provide. I put the picture of me and my husband. The kids thought this was funny. They were in dominations of $1 bills. I wrote a list of rewards for certain dollar amounts. For example $9 could be exchanged for the movie theaters, $5 you pick a treat from the treat box. $8 go out for ice cream. The rule was they had to do three things for $1 a day. Go to school on time, do homework and do a job. They were also allowed to earn extra parent money anytime. I had about 10 different rewards, with different prices. It not only taught them the value of jobs and responsibility it taught them how to use money as if it were real.

Summer Days

In anticipation of summer I’ve always made a calender for my kids activities. I also don’t tell them their teacher doesn’t give homework during the summer. I do like them to read 20 min. everyday. To ensure the usage of the minds being used, for imagination, and to keep their reading skills up or improve hopefully. During the summer my kids read 20 min. every weekday, do one simple 5 min. job or less. For example empty dishes, sweep floor, wash a wall or window. And they also have the activity of the day to look forward to. This summer I’ve changed the activity schedule. We have a cooking day. Every Monday a child gets to pick a recipe and we make it. This gives us a chance for one on one, to try their taste and of course learn. Our Tuesday’s are hike day every other week and library day. You can go to the website trails.com for references in your area, or if you are a avid hiker and want to hike out of State. Wednesday are activity days or outings if you want to call them. For June we have Cub Country, a local Museum (free), and Sleeping of the trampoline outside. July we will do Wheeler Farm (free), swimming, and lunch at Dad’s work. August is a Dollar Movie, a Candy Factory tour (free) and Nicklecade. Thursday’s will be park day. Where I live there a lot of parks. So I like to take them to different ones. Sometimes I pack a picnic. And for Friday’s I asked Grandma (my mother) to do a activity/craft with my kids. She’s a wonderful sport to do this. I also provide her with ideas from a magazine, which she uses sometimes. I hope this gives you some ideas and save some sanity for what to do. Summer can be long and crazy. I just like a little order, a lot of fun, and nothing that will break my purse.


Our family likes to do trips. They can be hard on the little ones. I try and hard like any parent to make it fun, and not break the bank for it. Tips for a easier trip. Make sure you have wipes. They are so great for clean ups on you and everything else. Make stops every 2-3 hours. You and your children will need to stretch your legs. For the longer trips I make a grab bag for the kids. I will include treats, dollar toys they haven't seen from the dollar store of course, paper, crayons or washable markers, and stickers. I bring a seperate bag with games and books and more treats. I find it a lot less if I can plan ahead. But, sometimes I do let them get a treat in the convience store if I find they need something else, or I need to excite them. Games we do are singing, alphabet game with signs. For older kids you can do "Who's line is it?" from movies. One person says a line, the others have to guess it. We also love the classic 20 questions, with the classic question "Is it bigger than a bread box?" Trips are also a great time to talk to your child, see how they are. I truely believe if you can always talk to your kids you will be able to maintain the relationship closer and find subjects, even the hard ones easier. One more tip. If your are traveling with a baby or even small toddler on a airplane. Bring a bottle or something to eat if possible on the plane. It always helps with the take off and landing with the ears popping.